Oct 222010

While playing with Groovy and Db4o I ran across a few errors that nearly put me right off Db4o. But after half a day tinkering I have found that it’s not really a problem with Db4o. If you are getting any of the following errors when trying to use Db4o and Groovy then perhaps this post can help.


cannot be cast to com.db4o.reflect.generic.GenericObject // or person.getClass() is this.
// When trying to access a method or property of a retrieved object.
(G) Person // GenericObject, e.g: println person

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Oct 212010

I’m not sure if I just like HQL (Hibernate Query Language) because it is so close to SQL or because I don’t get the otherwise fabulous Grails HibernateCriteriaBuilder well enough to be sure of some of the more tricky queries. I do enjoy using the criteria builder but seem to hit limitations every so often, perhaps it is just that the type of queries that I happen to be writing lend themselves well to HQL.

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Apr 222010

Concrete5 calls its self a CMS, but it looks more like a powerful website builder to me! It’s not in Debian Lenny but it is php and I’m dying to try it when I have a need to build or rebuild a web site. Also the team sound like folks after my own heart, commercial open source software done right, so check it out if you have a chance! I certainly will report back here when I do.